vrijdag 29 september 2017

Bolton: U.S. Should Support Independence for Kurds, ‘State of Iraq as We Have Known It Doesn’t Exist Anymore’

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton joined SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam and co-host Steve Bannon on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about Kurdish independence and the future of Iraq.

“The Kurds are one of the largest ethnic groups in the world that has never had a nation in contemporary times,” Bolton explained. “Just two days ago, they held a referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan and voted well over 90 percent for independence. I think the United States should support independence for the Kurds. They’ve been friends of ours in the struggle against Saddam Hussein and the struggle against international terrorism. I think they’d be an important buffer against Iran.”

“And let’s face it: the state of Iraq as we have known it doesn’t exist anymore, and it’s not coming back together,” he added. “The Baghdad government is controlled by the ayatollahs from Tehran. The American strategy to defeat ISIS, which has relied so heavily on the Baghdad government, I think has been a mistake.”


dinsdag 12 september 2017

Reporting on the Rohingya: “The Tip of a Huge Iceberg of Misinformation”

by Hugh Fitzgerald

Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Myanmar, is now all over the news, being taken to task for “not speaking out” against the mistreatment of the Rohingya, the Muslim minority in Myanmar, almost all of whom live in the western Rakhine State of Myanmar. 365,000 people have signed a petition demanding she be stripped of her Nobel Prize for not speaking out and denouncing the Buddhists of Myanmar; in Pakistan, a country renowned for its humane treatment of minorities, her photograph has been publicly burned; Al Jazeera has denounced her, and so has that champion of justice Tariq Ramadan.

In the last month, the world media reports, 250,000 Rohingya have now fled the latest cycle of violence, that began with Rohingya attacks on the military in mid-August, for Bangladesh. In fact, Aung San Suu Kyi has spoken out, but not in the way that many expected. They wanted her to categorically denounce the Burmese military and to depict the Rohingya as entirely innocent victims of Buddhist attacks; this she has refused to do. She believes the story of the Rohingyas in Myanmar is more complicated than the outside world believes. She has noted that “fake news” about atrocities in Myanmar have been relied on by much of the world’s media. More than a few of the stories about the Rohingya have indeed been accompanied by photos purportedly showing the violence against them, but which, in fact, have turned out to be photos of other atrocities experienced by other peoples, having nothing to do with Myanmar. Even the BBC’s south-east Asia correspondent, Jonathan Head, concedes that “much of it [the photos, and the coverage]  is wrong.” A closer look reveals that many of the pictures supposedly from Myanmar have come from other crises around the world, with one of those tweeted by Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek even dating back to the Rwandan genocide in 1994.


16 Years Later: Lessons Put into Practice?

Today marks the 16th anniversary of al-Qaida's 9/11 attacks. We learned much that tragic day, at enormous human and material cost. Perilously, however, America has already forgotten many of Sept. 11's lessons.

The radical Islamicist ideology manifested that day has neither receded nor "moderated" as many naive Westerners predicted. Neither has the ideology's hatred for America or its inclination to conduct terrorist attacks. Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution brought radical Islam to the contemporary world's attention, and it is no less malevolent today than when it seized our Tehran embassy, holding U.S. diplomats hostage for 444 days.

The Taliban, which provided al-Qaida sanctuary to prepare the 9/11 attacks, threaten to retake control in Afghanistan. Al-Qaida persists and may even be growing worldwide.
While ISIS's caliphate in Syria and Iraq will not survive much longer, countries across North Africa and the Middle East ("MENA") have destabilized or fractured entirely. Syria and Iraq have ceased to exist functionally, and Libya, Somalia and Yemen have descended into chaos. Pakistan, an unstable nuclear-weapons state, could fall to radicals under many easily predictable scenarios.


maandag 11 september 2017


How September 11 made me what I am.

September 11, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

"In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate," a terrorist declares on the Flight 93 cockpit recording. That's followed by the sounds of the terrorists assaulting a passenger.

"Please don't hurt me," he pleads. "Oh God."

As the passengers rush the cabin, a Muslim terrorist proclaims, "In the name of Allah."

As New York firefighters struggle up the South Tower with 100 pounds of equipment on their backs trying to save lives until the very last moment, the Flight 93 passengers push toward the cockpit. The Islamic hijackers call out, "Allahu Akbar." The Islamic supremacist term originated with Mohammed's massacre of the Jews of Khaybar and means that Allah is greater than the gods of non-Muslims.

Mohammed Atta had advised his fellow terrorists that when the fighting begins, "Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers." He quoted the Koran's command that Muslim holy warriors terrorize non-believers by beheading them and urged them to follow Mohammed's approach, "Take prisoners and kill them."

The 9/11 ringleader quoted the Koran again. "No prophet should have prisoners until he has soaked the land with blood."

On Flight 93, the fighting goes on. "Oh Allah. Oh the most Gracious," the Islamic terrorists cry out. "Trust in Allah," they reassure. And then there are only the chants of, "Allahu Akbar" as the plane goes down in a Pennsylvania field leaving behind another blood-soaked territory in the Islamic invasion of America.

Today that field is marked by the "Crescent of Embrace" memorial.

Thousands of Muslims cheered the attack in those parts of Israel under the control of the Islamic terrorists of the Palestinian Authority. They shouted, "Allahu Akbar" and handed out candy.

But similar ugly outbreaks of Islamic Supremacism were also taking place much closer to home.

On John F. Kennedy Boulevard, in Jersey City, across the river from Manhattan, crowds of Muslim settlers celebrated the slaughter of Americans. "Some men were dancing, some held kids on their shoulders," a retired Jersey City cop described the scene. "The women were shouting in Arabic."

Similar Islamic festivities broke out on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, a major Islamic settlement area, even as in downtown Manhattan, ash had turned nearby streets into the semblance of a nuclear war. Men and women trudged over Brooklyn Bridge or uptown to get away from this strange new world.

Many just walked. They didn't know where they were going. I was one of them.

That Tuesday was a long and terrible education. In those hours, millions of Americans were being educated about many things: what happens when jet planes collide with skyscrapers, how brave men can reach the 78th floor with 100 pounds of equipment strapped to their backs and what are the odds are of finding anyone alive underneath the rubble of a falling tower. They were learning about a formerly obscure group named Al Qaeda and its boss. But they were also being educated about Islam.

Islamic terrorism was once something that happened "over there." You saw it on the covers of Time or Newsweek back when those were staples of checkout counters and medical offices. But even after the World Trade Center bombing, it wasn't truly "over here." But now it was. The war was here.

Each generation is born into history out of a moment of crisis. We are defined by our struggles. By the wars we fight and do not fight. On a Tuesday morning in September, my generation was born into history.

Some of us were born into it better than others.

At Union Square, I passed NYU students painting anti-war placards even as the downtown sky behind them was painted the color of bone. They ignored the crowd streaming up past them and focused intently on making all the red letters in NO WAR line up neatly on the white cardboard.

In the years since, I have seen that look on the faces of countless leftists who ignore the stabbers shouting, "Allahu Akbar" in London or the terrorist declaring, "In the name of Allah, the merciful," among the bloody ruin of a gay nightclub in Orlando. Instead they focus on their mindless slogans.

"NO WAR," "Stop Islamophobia" and "Refugees Welcome." The world of the cardboard sign and the simple slogan is an easier and neater one than a sky filled with the ashes of the dead.

On September 11, some of us opened our eyes. Others closed them as hard as they could.

That Tuesday irrevocably divided my generation. Some joined the military, the police or became analysts. Others turned left-wing activists, volunteered as lawyers for terrorists or converted to Islam.

The passengers on Flight 93 who took the lead were in their thirties. But the two firefighters who made it to the 78th floor of the South Tower, Ronald Bucca, who did duty in Vietnam as a Green Beret, and Orio Palmer, a marathon runner, were in their forties. Those men and women had the most meaningful answers to the old question, "Where were you when it happened?"

I was just one of countless people moving upstream away from Ground Zero.

The great lesson of that Tuesday morning was that it wasn't over. It wasn't over when we understood that we wouldn't find anyone alive in that twisted mass of metal and death. It wasn't over when the air began to clear. It wasn't over when the President of the United States spoke. It wasn't over when the planes began to fly again and the TV switched from non-stop coverage of the attacks and back to its regularly scheduled programming. It wasn't over when we were told to mourn and move on.

It still isn't over.

After every attack, Boston, Orlando, San Bernardino, New York, Paris, Manchester, London, Barcelona, we are encouraged to mourn and move on. Bury the bodies, shed a tear and forget about it.

Terrible things happen. And we have to learn to accept them.

But Tuesday morning was not a random catastrophe. It did not go away because we went back to shopping. It did not go away with Hope and Change. Appeasing and forgetting only made it stronger.

Everything I needed to know about Islam, I learned on September 11. The details of the theology came later. I couldn't quote the Koran while the sirens were wailing. But I learned the essential truth.

And so did you.

"Where were you?" is not just a question to be asked about September 11, 2001. It is an everyday question. What are you doing today to fight the Islamic terrorists who did this? And tomorrow?

I found my answer through my writing. Others have made a more direct contribution.

But it's important that we keep asking ourselves that question.

The 9/11 hijackers, the members of Al Qaeda, of ISIS, of the Muslim Brotherhood and the entire vast global terror network, its supporters and fellow travelers asked themselves that question every day.

They are still asking it.

From the Iranian nuclear program to the swarm of Muslim Brotherhood organizations in America, from the Muslim migrant surge into Germany to the sex grooming gangs of the UK, they have their answers.

Our enemies wake up every day wondering how to destroy us. Their methods, from demographic invasion to WMDs, from political subversion to random stabbings, are many.

A new and terrible era in history began on 9/11. We are no more past it than we were past Pearl Harbor at the Battle of Midway. Its origins are no mystery. They lie in the last sound that came from Flight 93.

"Allahu Akbar."

We are in the middle of the longest war in American history. And we still haven't learned how to fight it.

September 11 has come around again. You don't have to run into a burning building or wrestle terrorists with your bare hands. But use the day to warn others, so you can answer, "Where were you?" 

maandag 4 september 2017

Speech Geert Wilders Ambrosetti conferentie, Italië, Villa d’Este, 2 september 2017

Dames en heren,

Bedankt dat ik hier vandaag mag zijn. Ik waardeer het dat u iemand uitnodigt die uw enthousiasme voor de Europese Unie niet deelt. Of uw Europese droom zoals Euro Commissaris Frans Timmermans het zojuist noemde. Om eerlijk te zijn: zijn droom is mijn nachtmerrie.

Ik besef dat mijn mening verschilt van die van de vele leden van de Europese elite in ons midden, maar ik ben een optimist.

Ik geloof in een positieve toekomst voor Europa als een gemeenschap van onafhankelijke, soevereine en democratische landen - samenwerkend zonder een supranationale politieke unie - een Europa zonder de Europese Unie.

Ik geloof dat een echte democratie alleen kan bestaan en bloeien binnen een natiestaat. De nationale soevereiniteit gecombineerd met de binnenlandse cultuur geeft ons onze identiteit. Evenals controle over onze eigen grenzen en begroting en het recht om te beslissen hoe we het zelf als natie gebruiken.
Helaas hebben de meeste van onze regeringen steeds meer bevoegdheden overgedragen aan de EU, waardoor veel belangrijke dingen die we in de afgelopen eeuwen hebben bereikt, ondermijnd worden.

Lees verder>>>

zaterdag 2 september 2017

Delingpole: Ship of Fools IV: Another Green Arctic Expedition Scuppered by Ice

A sailing expedition to the North Pole to raise awareness of global warming has been forced to turn back, 590 nautical miles short of its destination, after the yachts found their passage blocked by large quantities of an unexpected frozen white substance.

According to Arctic Mission’s website:
A meeting of the four skippers was held led by Erik de Jong, with Pen Hadow present, and it was agreed further northward progress would increase considerably the risks to the expedition, with very limited scientific reward. The decision to head south, back to an area of less concentrated sea ice in the vicinity of 79 degrees 30 minutes North, was made at 18.30 (Alaskan time).
Concentrated sea ice? In the Arctic Circle? Whoever would have imagined?


Uitzinnige hoeveelheid bewijs voor het nazistische Jodenhaat-karakter van de islam en de Palmaffia’s

Posted by in Uncategorized

In deze nazomer van 2017 heb ik met collega-vertaler Jolanda van der Vorst-Molleman Dijksterhuis de laatste hand gelegd aan de vertaling van bovenstaand boek dat in onze links-regressieve wereld alleen kan worden uitgegeven bij een verstandige en idealistische eenmans-uitgeverij als “De Blauwe Tijger”. (Zie hier de aankondiging) Het boek zal oktober 2017 in de verkoop komen.
Op dit moment schrijf ik aan een degelijke recensie, maar omdat het belang van het boek zo groot is en ik dus zo veel mogelijk publiciteit wil genereren,  hieronder een ultra-korte vóór-recensie (soort van).

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